Integrating Social-Emotional Learning In The Curriculum

Schooling is about the holistic development of a child. As significant as it is to achieve academic excellence, it is equally important to work towards developing a strong personality. School is the right time to raise intellectually and emotionally strong adults who can positively contribute to society. From the time of school admission in Abu Dhabi, parents and educators must focus on building the necessary skills that help them throughout their life.

One such aspect that every teacher should focus on is social-emotional development. It is a skill that addresses the child’s ability to build meaningful relationships with other people. It helps them manage their emotions, gain self-esteem and conveniently handle stressful situations in life. If skill development begins at the primary level, the children will be socially and emotionally sound by entering high school in Abu Dhabi.

Tips to Integrate Social-Emotional Learning in the Curriculum

As per the reports by the National Institutes of Health, nearly 33% of teens suffer from anxiety disorder, and the number is constantly rising. Many positive changes can be brought into the life of children by simply integrating social-emotional learning in schools. Let us discuss a few things parents and teachers can use to introduce social-emotional learning in routine life.

Concept of Identifying the Self

Self-awareness forms the basis of social-emotional learning. A child’s idea of himself decides how he perceives situations and people, and that makes a lot of difference. The first and foremost thing to do is to help children identify their strengths and weaknesses so that they can use them to control their emotions. One can do so through various activities challenging children or discussions emphasising social studies.

Managing Feelings or Emotions

Positive thoughts lead to positive actions. It is fruitful to put children on the right path and teach them to affect their situations positively. They should learn to manage and make the most of their time, energy, and talents to feel more confident and avoid circumstances that might lead to anxiety. Various activities can reveal how children react to certain situations. By simply being observant, teachers and parents can identify how they manage their emotions and teach them the apt way to respond, keeping the emotions under control.

Teach Empathy

The feeling of empathy helps make society a better place. When one understands another person’s emotions and treats them the way they want to get treated, there are lesser chances of conflicts. Schools can organise social work events or conduct charity functions to let students know how their efforts can change someone’s life. All these activities raise the empathy factor in them.

Working in Groups

Working in groups develops leadership skills and teaches students to present their ideas to others. They learn to respect the opinions with which they disagree and find common grounds to move forward. Group activities can significantly contribute to successfully integrating socio-emotional learning in schools.

SEL as Curriculum

Introducing SEL as a subject in the school curriculum helps develop these skills. There should be regular classes that focus primarily on communication and self-regulation skills. Children learn these skills like other subjects in the school routine, which does not put additional pressure on them. As skill building happens through various activities, students like it, their engagement level in other school activities improves. 

Acknowledging all these aspects right from school admission in Abu Dhabi will have positive impacts. Children will learn to be socially and emotionally sound, and it will help them sail through the challenges and excel.

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